In 2004 we embarked on a multi-year investigation of ancient drowned shorelines in the Great Lakes. Unknown to many residents of the Region is that these massive bodies of water have undergone huge changes in their levels since their creation from melting glaciers some 14,000 years ago. For instance, past water levels in Lakes Huron and Michigan have been hundreds of feet higher and lower than at present. As a result their shorelines have changed drastically.
Coastal features of 7,000 to 11,000 years ago are now submerged as much as 400 feet deep, and consequently have been protected from the eroding effects of time. One fascinating result is that the well-preserved remains of prehistoric forests — stumps and logs — can be found deep underwater. Perhaps even relics of human habitation will be found on the lake bottom as well.
The Huron Ridge. Most of our underwater investigations in 2006 and beyond will be focused on the Thunder Bay area and the nearby Lake Huron Ridge. Using hi-tech tools of deep water exploration we will examine little-known features of ancient drowned shorelines to determine the details of their structure, the forces that shaped them, and the aquatic life that now inhabits them. Of course, there is always the chance that our investigation will also turn up some unknown shipwreck or other relic of the prehistoric Great Lakes.