Selected Publications and Reports
- David, K.A., B.M. Davis, and R.D. Hunter. 2009. Lake St. Clair zooplankton: status in 2000 and evidence for post-Dreissena changes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 24:199-209.
- Hunter, R.D. and J.F. Bailey. 1992. Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel): colonization of soft substrata and some effects on unionid bivalves. The Nautilus. 106:60-67.
- Hunter, R.D. and K.A. Simons. 2004. Dreissenids in Lake St. Clair in 2001: evidence for population regulation. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 30(4):528-537.
- Hunter, R. D, Panyushkina, I. P., Leavitt, S. W., Wiedenhoeft, A. C. and J. Zawiskie. 2006. A multiproxy environmental investigation of Holocene wood from a submerged conifer forest in Lake Huron, USA. Quaternary Research. 66: 67-77.
- Leavitt, S.W., I.P. Panyushkina, T. Lange, A. Wiedenhoeff, L. Cheng, R.D. Hunter, J. Hughes, F. Pranschke, A.F. Schneider, J. Moran, and R. Steiglitz. 2006. Climate in the Great Lakes Region between 14,000 and 4000 years ago from isotopic composition of conifer wood. Radiocarbon. 48:205-217.
- Ruberg, S. A., Kendall, S. T., Black, T., Nold, S. C., Lusardi, W. R., Green, R., Casserley, T., Smith, V. E., Sanders, T. G., Lang, G. A. and S. A. Constant. 2008. Observations of the Middle Island Sinkhole in Lake Huron – a unique hydrogeologic and glacial creation of 400 million years. Marine Technology Society. 42(4): 12-21.
Hunter, R.D. and K.S. Simons. 2001. Abundance and Biomass of Zebra Mussels in Lake St. Clair: a Status Report for 2001. Report to the Michigan Great Lakes Protection Fund, Department of Environmental Quality. 19 pp; 4 figs. and 3 tables. - Hunter, R.D., K.S. Simons, B.M. Davis, and R.C. Haas. 2002. Survey of Zooplankton in Lake St. Clair in 2000. Final Report to the Michigan Great Lakes Protection Fund, Department of Environmental Quality. 43 pp; 5 figs. and 14 tables.
- Hunter, R.D. 2004. A Study of Prehistoric Underwater Forests in Lake Huron, Michigan. Final report to the Michigan DEQ, Land & Water Management Division, Coastal Management Program. 27 pp.
- Smith, V. E. 2006. Underwater Surveys in the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Lake Huron, near Alpena, Michigan. Final Report to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Coastal Management Program, Project No. 06D-9.01. 24 pp.
- Smith, V. E. 2007. Underwater Surveys in the Thunder Bay and Mackinac Island Areas of Lake Huron. Final Report to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Coastal Management Program, Project No. 07D-9.02. 8 pp.
- Smith, V. E. 2008. Underwater Surveys in Lake Huron: Thunder Bay and Straits of Mackinac. Final Report to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Coastal Management Program, Project No. 08D-9.02. 12 pp.
- Smith, V. E. 2009. Underwater Historical Surveys in Thunder Bay and the Straits of Mackinac. Final Report to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Coastal Management Program, Project No. 09/8d-10.02. 13 pp.
- Smith, V. E. 2018. Survey of Nearshore Historic Shipwrecks Along Michigan’s Blue Water Trail, Lake Huron. Final Report to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Coastal Management Program, Project 17-CCD-002. 2 pp.